
A free software package to manage your thoughts and documents!

This project is maintained by aernesto

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The following are instructions to install IndieK v0.1.0 on a Linux machine (currently tested on Fedora 26). Mac OS X users are welcome to try and install IndieK on their machine, by adapting the installation steps below to the Mac environment. Using Homebrew for most package installations should be enough. As of now, the installation of IndieK is tedious. We are working hard on improving this aspect, as well as its testing and documentation. Please, bare with us!

Since IndieK relies on many other existing free software packages, the hard part of the installation currently lies in resolving all the dependencies by hand. So, before installing IndieK, make sure that your computer posseses all the commands and packages listed in the section below.

If you have any suggestions to improve IndieK’s installation process, please write a post on the mailing list.


IndieK requires the following list of commands to be available from bash shell.

Optionally, you may want to install an application that allows you to open a .png image file from the command line. On Fedora 26, I personally use feh.

Installing IndieK

If you have all the prerequisites listed in the previous section, you might find it easier to just follow the first videos in this playlist.

Otherwise, you may follow the following steps:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository of IndieK onto your local machine. Below is an example of what you should type on your terminal to install IndieK on your HOME directory:
    cd ~  
    git clone  

    If you are a developper and plan on contributing to IndieK, fork my repo first, and clone your forked copy.
    In what follows, I denote by /PATH/TO/IndieK/ the path on your local machine in which you cloned the GitHub repo.

  2. Create the hidden base directory .indiek, together with its tmp/ subdirectory, in your HOME directory. To do this automatically, you may use the script as follows:
    cd /PATH/TO/IndieK/shell_scripts/scripts/  
  3. Create the MySQL database and tables required by IndieK:
    mysql --user=root -p
    CREATE DATABASE indiekdb;
    USE indiekdb;
    source /PATH/TO/IndieK/SQL_scripts/SQL_TABLES_CREATION.txt;
  4. Add the newly created MySQL database to the config folder of IndieK. For this, just run the from IndieK’s installation folder:
    cd /PATH/TO/IndieK/shell_scripts/scripts
  5. Configure your .my.cnf file in your HOME directory. Create it if it doesn’t exist already. The necessary file content should be:

    The file may contain more MySQL options if you wish.
    IMPORTANT: Since the file contains your MySQL password, you should set the permissions so that only you, the owner, may read it:

    chmod 600 ~/.my.cnf
  6. Set your MySQL server to launch automatically on boot (if you haven’t set this option yet). Type the following from the terminal, as root:
    systemctl enable mariadb
  7. Modify your .bashrc file in your HOME directory, in order to automatically load IndieK’s functions every time you open a Shell session. The content that you should add to your .bashrc file is contained in the indiek_bashrc.txt file from IndieK’s installation folder. I copy the content here for convenience (this is only true for v0.1.0):
    # indiek
    if [ -d "$indiek_PATH/" ]; then
     current_db_name=$( grep database ~/.my.cnf | sed 's/database=\(.*\)/\1/g' )
     # This uses EDITOR as editor, or vi if EDITOR is null or unset
     # auxiliary functions
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     # main commands functions
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/
     source $indiek_PATH/

    Note that /PATH/TO/IndieK/ above should be replaced by the actual path to your installation folder for IndieK.

  8. After you have saved your .bashrc file, restart your terminal and launch MariaDB server, if it is not running already.

By now, each time you start a Shell session, all the IndieK commands will be readily accessible! Congratulations!

You may post any question about this (tedious) installation process on the Google group, and any bug or issue may be reported on GitHub.